Sunday 8 December 2024 (other days)
2nd Sunday of Advent
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Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
Cónditor alme síderum,
ætérna lux credéntium,
Christe, redémptor ómnium,
exáudi preces súpplicum.
Qui cóndolens intéritu
mortis períre sǽculum,
salvásti mundum lánguidum,
donans reis remédium,
Vergénte mundi véspere,
uti sponsus de thálamo,
egréssus honestíssima
Vírginis matris cláusula.
Cuius forti poténtiæ
genu curvántur ómnia;
cæléstia, terréstria
nutu faténtur súbdita.
Te, Sancte, fide quǽsumus,
ventúre iudex sǽculi,
consérva nos in témpore
hostis a telo pérfidi.
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
Announces that the Lord is nigh;
Come then and hearken, for he brings
Glad tidings from the King of kings.
Then cleansed be every Christian breast,
And furnished for so great a guest!
Yea, let us each his heart prepare
For Christ to come and enter there.
For thou art our salvation, Lord,
Our refuge and our great reward;
Without thy grace our souls must fade,
And wither like a flower decayed.
Stretch forth thine hand, to heal our sore,
And make us rise to fall no more;
Once more upon thy people shine,
And fill the world with love divine.
All praise, eternal Son, to thee,
Whose Advent sets thy people free,
Whom, with the Father, we adore,
And Holy Ghost, for evermore.
Ps 109:1-5,7
| Psalm 109 (110)
Ps 113B:1-18
| Psalm 113B (115)
De nuptiis AgniDóminus légifer noster, Dóminus rex noster: ipse véniet et salvábit nos.
1Salus et glória et virtus Deo nostro,*
(℟. Allelúia.)
2quia vera et iusta iudícia eius.
℟. Allelúia (allelúia).
5Laudem dícite Deo nostro, omnes servi eius*
(℟. Allelúia.)
et qui timétis eum, pusílli et magni!
℟. Allelúia (allelúia).
6Quóniam regnávit Dóminus, Deus noster omnípotens.*
(℟. Allelúia.)
7Gaudeámus et exsultémus et demus glóriam ei.
℟. Allelúia (allelúia).
Quia venérunt núptiæ Agni,*
(℟. Allelúia.)
et uxor eius præparávit se.
℟. Allelúia (allelúia).
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Dóminus légifer noster, Dóminus rex noster: ipse véniet et salvábit nos.
The wedding of the LambThe Lord is our judge, the Lord is our king: he will come and make us whole.
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
because his judgements are true and just.
Praise our God, all his servants,
and you who fear him, small and great.
For the Lord reigns, our God, the Almighty:
let us rejoice and exult and give him glory.
The marriage of the Lamb has come,
and his spouse has made herself ready.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our king: he will come and make us whole.
Gaudéte in Dómino semper. Iterum dico: Gaudéte! Modéstia vestra nota sit ómnibus homínibus. Dóminus prope.
I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord; I repeat, what I want is your happiness. Let your tolerance be evident to everyone: the Lord is very near.
℣. Osténde nobis, Dómine,* Misericórdiam tuam. Osténde.
℟. Et salutáre tuum da nobis.* Misericórdiam tuam. Glória Patri. Osténde.
Show us, Lord, your steadfast love.
– Show us, Lord, your steadfast love.
And grant us your salvation.
– Show us, Lord, your steadfast love.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
– Show us, Lord, your steadfast love.
Exsultatio animæ in DominoOmnis vallis implébitur et omnis mons et collis humiliábitur: et vidébit omnis caro salutáre Dei.
ánima mea Dóminum,
et exsultávit spíritus meus*
in Deo salvatóre meo,
quia respéxit humilitátem ancíllæ suæ.*
Ecce enim ex hoc beátam me dicent omnes generatiónes,
quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est,*
et sanctum nomen eius,
et misericórdia eius in progénies et progénies*
timéntibus eum.
Fecit poténtiam in bráchio suo,*
dispérsit supérbos mente cordis sui;
depósuit poténtes de sede*
et exaltávit húmiles;
esuriéntes implévit bonis*
et dívites dimísit inánes.
Suscépit Israel púerum suum,*
recordátus misericórdiæ,
sicut locútus est ad patres nostros,*
Abraham et sémini eius in sǽcula.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Omnis vallis implébitur et omnis mons et collis humiliábitur: et vidébit omnis caro salutáre Dei.
My soul rejoices in the LordEvery valley will be filled in, every mountain and hill be laid low, and all mankind shall see the salvation of God. (Year C)
Or: Blessed are you, Mary, because you had faith: the Lord’s promise to you will be fulfilled, alleluia.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God, my salvation.
For he has shown me such favour –
me, his lowly handmaiden.
Now all generations will call me blessed,
because the mighty one has done great things for me.
His name is holy,
his mercy lasts for generation after generation
for those who revere him.
He has put forth his strength:
he has scattered the proud and conceited,
torn princes from their thrones;
but lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things;
the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel,
he has remembered his mercy as he promised to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children for ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Every valley will be filled in, every mountain and hill be laid low, and all mankind shall see the salvation of God. (Year C)
Or: Blessed are you, Mary, because you had faith: the Lord’s promise to you will be fulfilled, alleluia.
Christum redemptórem, fratres caríssimi, exorémus, qui venit ad salvándos hómines, eíque fidénter dicámus:
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
Christe Dómine, qui per suscéptæ mystérium carnis notam fecísti mundo glóriam tuæ divinitátis,
vivífica nos advéntu tuo.
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
Tu, qui suscepísti infirmitátem nostram,
concéde nobis misericórdiam tuam.
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
Qui, primo véniens húmilis, redemísti mundum a crímine,
secúndo advéniens, iustífica nos ab omni reátu.
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
Tu, qui vivis et ómnia regis,
in bonitáte tua fac nos accédere ad ætérnam hereditátem.
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris,
lúmine vultus tui ánimas defunctórum lætífica.
– Veni, Dómine Iesu.
The voice of John crying in the wilderness is echoed tonight in the voice of the Church:
– Make our hearts ready, O Lord!
For your coming to us in grace this Advent:
– Make our hearts ready, O Lord!
For the work we must do in creating a more just world:
– Make our hearts ready, O Lord!
For the understanding we shall need this week for our families and friends:
– Make our hearts ready, O Lord!
For our death, for our judgement, for eternal life with you:
– Make our hearts ready, O Lord!
Pater noster, qui es in cælis:
sanctificétur nomen tuum;
advéniat regnum tuum;
fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a malo.
| Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, in tui occúrsum Fílii festinántes nulla ópera terréni actus impédiant, sed sapiéntiæ cæléstis erudítio nos fáciat eius esse consórtes.
Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
| Almighty and merciful God,
let neither our daily work nor the cares of this life
prevent us from hastening to meet your Son.
Enlighten us with your wisdom
and lead us into his company.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Dóminus nos benedícat, et ab omni malo deféndat, et ad vitam perdúcat ætérnam.
| The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.
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