
Podcast notes

The week ahead (from 28 April)

The social encyclicals of the Church

Rerum novarum on capital and labour (Leo XIII, 15 May 1891)

Quadragesimo anno on the reconstruction of the social order (Pius XI, 15 May 1931)

Mater et magistra on Christianity and social progress (John XXIII, 15 May 1961)

Octogesima adveniens: apostlic letter on the eightieth anniversary of Rerum novarum (Paul VI, 14 May 1971)

Laborem exercens on human work (John Paul II, 14 September 1981)

Centesimus annus on the hundredth anniversary of Rerum novarum (John Paul II, 1 May 1991)

A worthwhile book

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2004) –  available as a book: ISBN 9780860124368

St Joseph the Worker: another view

This page from the New Liturgical Movement has a great deal of information about the history of the feast, although it does sometimes start sounding what Cardinal Newman would have called “viewy”.

Some useful links

Here are some useful links.

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