
Podcast notes

The week ahead (from 23 to 29 June)

How to activate the “long passages”

Not every First and Second Reading at Mass has a corresponding long passage in the Office of Readings, so you won’t see one on some days.

Because the long passage comes from the Office of Readings, you may see a different translation from the one you are using for Mass.

Android and iPhone/iPad

  1. Tap in the middle of the screen to make the toolbar appear.
  2. Tap on the cog-wheel on the right-hand side of the toolbar to make the Settings screen appear.
  3. In the Readings at Mass section of the Settings, turn on the “Long passages” switch.


Use the menu command Universalis > Preferences > Mass, and turn on “Long passages”.


Use the menu command Tools > Options, and turn on “Long passages” in the Readings at Mass section of the options screen.

Saints Peter and Paul

Saturday June 29 is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. In many calendars this feast is moved to the Sunday, so next week’s podcast will cover it.

Some useful links

This podcast

The main Universalis website


iPhone/iPad app

Android app



Web site

These pages have fewer features than the apps, and some pages (such as Spiritual Reading) are not available.

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