
Daily Books

As well as the normal Universalis content, we now offer you the possibility of reading some additional books in instalments, as part of any of the Universalis pages.

New feature: The name “Daily Books” isn’t fully accurate any more because you can read a book in weekly instalments as well as daily ones. For instance, you could decide to read “The Mass in Slow Motion” on Sundays after the Readings at Mass page.


Because the instalment format is a perfect discipline. It gives one enough to chew over for each day. It also means that a book won’t be rushed through to get it over with, or abandoned and left unfinished.

Which books?

The list is growing. At the time this page was written, it included the following:

Free books

Paid books

The paid books are available in the Android and iPhone/iPad apps only. You can read a number of instalments as a free sample, and then (if you want) buy the whole book as an in-app purchase.


Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Mac

Instructions for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch

Instructions for Android (including Kindle Fire)