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Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
Certum tenéntes órdinem,
pio poscámus péctore
hora diéi tértia
trinæ virtútis glóriam,
Ut simus habitáculum
illi Sancto Spirítui,
qui quondam in apóstolis
hac hora distribútus est.
Hoc gradiénte órdine,
ornávit cuncta spléndide
regni cæléstis cónditor
ad nostra ætérna prǽmia.
Deo Patri sit glória
eiúsque soli Fílio
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
Come, Holy Spirit, live in us
With God the Father and the Son,
And grant us your abundant grace
To sanctify and make us one.
May mind and tongue made strong in love
Your praise throughout the world proclaim,
And may that love within our hearts
Set fire to others with its flame.
Most blessèd Trinity of love,
For whom the heart of man was made,
To you be praise in timeless song,
And everlasting homage paid.
The psalms of the day are shown here. If you are reciting more than one daytime hour (Terce, Sext, None) today, use the psalms of the day at one hour and the complementary psalms at the others.
Ps 118:161-168
| Psalm 118(119): 161-168The lovers of your law have great peace, O Lord.
Princes are hounding me for no reason.
Your words fill me with dread.
I shall rejoice over your sayings
like one who has found a great treasure.
I loathe and detest untruthfulness
but I love the truth of your law.
Seven times a day I praise you
for the righteousness of your judgements.
Those who love you have abounding peace:
there is nothing to trip them up.
I looked forward to your salvation, O Lord,
and followed your commandments.
I keep your precepts in my heart:
I love them intensely.
I have followed your commands and your precepts.
All that I do is in your sight.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The lovers of your law have great peace, O Lord.
Ps 132:1-3
| Psalm 132 (133)
Ps 139:2-9,13-14
| Psalm 139 (140)
At the daytime hours (Terce, Sext, None) when you don’t choose to use the psalms of the day, use the complementary psalms instead.
Ps 119:1-7
| Psalm 119 (120)
Ps 120:1-8
| Psalm 120 (121)
Ps 121:1-9
| Psalm 121 (122)
Nulli malum pro malo reddéntes; scriptum est enim: Mihi vindícta, ego retríbuam, dicit Dóminus. Sed si esuríerit inimícus tuus, ciba illum; si sitit, potum da illi. Noli vinci a malo, sed vince in bono malum.
Never repay evil with evil. As scripture says: Vengeance is mine – I will pay them back, says the Lord. But there is more: If your enemy is hungry, you should give him food, and if he is thirsty, let him drink. Resist evil and conquer it with good.
℣. Misericórdia Dómini ab ætérno et usque in ætérnum.
℟. Et iustítia illíus in eos qui servant testaméntum eius.
| ℣. The love of the Lord is everlasting.
℟. His justice is for those who keep his commandments.
Dómine Iesu Christe, qui hora tértia ad crucis pœnam ductus es pro mundi salúte, te súpplices exorámus, ut et de prætéritis malis semper apud te véniam impetrémus et de futúris iúgiter habeámus custódiam.
Qui vivis et regnas in sǽcula sæculórum.
| Let us pray.
Lord Jesus Christ,
at this third hour you were led to the cross
to suffer the penalty of death for the salvation of mankind:
in your mercy grant us pardon for our past offences
and by your power preserve us from future falls.
You live and reign for ever and ever.
Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
| Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.
The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.
You can also view this page in English only.
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