Monday 10 February 2025    (other days)
Monday of week 5 in Ordinary Time

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Mid-Morning Prayer (Terce)

Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
  Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
  O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Nunc, Sancte, nobis, Spíritus
unum Patri cum Fílio,
dignáre promptus íngeri
nostro refúsus péctori.
Os, lingua, mens, sensus, vigor
confessiónem pérsonent,
flamméscat igne cáritas,
accéndat ardor próximos.
Per te sciámus da Patrem
noscámus atque Fílium,
te utriúsque Spíritum
credámus omni témpore. Amen.
Come, Holy Spirit, live in us
With God the Father and the Son,
And grant us your abundant grace
To sanctify and make us one.
May mind and tongue made strong in love
Your praise throughout the world proclaim,
And may that love within our hearts
Set fire to others with its flame.
Most blessèd Trinity of love,
For whom the heart of man was made,
To you be praise in timeless song,
And everlasting homage paid.
Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal

Psalms of the day

Complementary psalms

The psalms of the day are shown here. If you are reciting more than one daytime hour (Terce, Sext, None) today, use the psalms of the day at one hour and the complementary psalms at the others.


Ps 18:8-15
Laus Deo, legis Domino

Estote vos perfecti, sicut et Pater vester cælestis perfectus est” (Mt 5, 48).

Lex Dómini lætíficat corda et illúminat óculos.
8Lex Dómini immaculáta, refíciens ánimam,*
  testimónium Dómini fidéle, sapiéntiam præstans párvulis.
9Iustítiæ Dómini rectæ, lætificántes corda,*
  præcéptum Dómini lúcidum, illúminans óculos.
10Timor Dómini mundus, pérmanens in sǽculum sǽculi,*
  iudícia Dómini vera, iusta ómnia simul,
11desiderabília super aurum et lápidem pretiósum multum*
  et dulcióra super mel et favum stillántem.
12Etenim servus tuus erudítur in eis;*
  in custodiéndis illis retribútio multa.
13Erróres quis intéllegit?†
  Ab occúltis munda me,*
  14et a supérbia custódi servum tuum, ne dominétur mei.
Tunc immaculátus ero*
  et emundábor a delícto máximo.
15Sint ut compláceant elóquia oris mei*
  et meditátio cordis mei in conspéctu tuo.
Dómine, adiútor meus*
  et redémptor meus.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Lex Dómini lætíficat corda et illúminat óculos.

Psalm 18 (19)
Praise of God, the Lord of the law

The Lord’s precepts are right and good: joy for the heart, light for the eyes.
The law of the Lord is spotless,
  it refreshes the soul.
The teaching of the Lord can be trusted,
  it gives wisdom to children.
The judgements of the Lord are right:
  they give joy to the heart.
The precepts of the Lord are clear:
  they give light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure:
  it lasts through all ages.
The decrees of the Lord are true:
  each one of them is just.
They are more desirable than gold,
  than heaps of precious stones.
They are sweeter than honey,
  than dripping honeycomb.
From them your servant learns;
  keeping them brings rich rewards.
But who knows his own errors?
  Save me from those I do not see.
Save me, your servant, from pride:
  let it have no hold over me.
Then I will be spotless
  washed clean of the gravest sin.
May the words of my mouth be pleasing
  and the thoughts of my heart, in your sight.
O Lord, you are my helper,
  O Lord, you are my redeemer.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord’s precepts are right and good: joy for the heart, light for the eyes.

Ps 7:2-10
Oratio iusti calumniam patientis

Ecce iudex ante ianuam assistit” (Iac 5, 9).

Exsúrget Dóminus iudicáre pópulos in iustítia.
2Dómine Deus meus, in te sperávi;*
  salvum me fac ex ómnibus persequéntibus me et líbera me,
3ne quando rápiat ut leo ánimam meam*
  discérpens, dum non est qui salvum fáciat.
4Dómine Deus meus, si feci istud,*
  si est iníquitas in mánibus meis,
5si réddidi retribuénti mihi mala*
  et exspoliávi inimícum meum dimíttens inánem,
6persequátur inimícus ánimam meam et comprehéndat†
  et concúlcet in terra vitam meam*
  et glóriam meam in púlverem dedúcat.
7Exsúrge, Dómine, in ira tua*
  et exaltáre contra indignatiónem inimicórum meórum
et exsúrge, Deus meus,*
  in iudício, quod mandásti.
8Et synagóga populórum circúmdabit te,†
  et super hanc in altum regrédere:*
  9Dóminus iúdicat pópulos.
Iúdica me, Dómine, secúndum iustítiam meam*
  et secúndum innocéntiam meam, quæ est in me.
10Consumátur nequítia peccatórum;†
  et iustum confírma,*
  scrutans corda et renes Deus iustus.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Exsúrget Dóminus iudicáre pópulos in iustítia.

Psalm 7
Prayer of the just man under persecution

The Lord will arise as righteous judge of the peoples.
I put my hope in you, O Lord, my God.
  Save me from all who persecute me,
  save me and set me free.
Lest my enemy rip me to pieces like a lion
  because no-one defends me.
If I have done this, O Lord, my God –
  if my hands have done wickedness,
if I have done harm to those who harm me,
  if I have ruined my enemy and sent him away with nothing –
then let my enemy pursue me and surround me;
  let him pound my life into the ground,
  let him drag my glory down to the dust.
Lord, rise up in wrath.
  Rise up against the fury of my enemies.
My God, come out
  to the trial that you commanded.
The assembly of the peoples will gather round you
  and you will be above them –
  the Lord judges the peoples.
Judge me, Lord, in your justice,
  judge me according to the innocence that is mine.
Annihilate the wickedness of sinners
  and set the righteous firm:
  God, you are just and see into men’s hearts.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord will arise as righteous judge of the peoples.

Ps 7:11-18

Deus iudex iustus et fortis, qui salvos facit rectos corde.
11Adiutórium meum apud Deum,*
  qui salvos facit rectos corde.
12Deus iudex iustus,*
  fortis, iráscens per síngulos dies.
13Nonne íterum gládium suum exácuit,*
  arcum suum teténdit et parávit illum?
14Et parávit sibi vasa mortis,*
  sagíttas suas ardéntes effécit.
15Ecce partúriit iniustítiam,*
  concépit dolórem et péperit iniquitátem;
16lacum apéruit et effódit eum*
  et íncidit in fóveam, quam fecit.
17Convertétur dolor eius in caput eius,*
  et in vérticem ipsíus iníquitas eius descéndet.
18Confitébor Dómino secúndum iustítiam eius*
  et psallam nómini Dómini Altíssimi.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Deus iudex iustus et fortis, qui salvos facit rectos corde.

Psalm 7

How just a judge God is, how strong: he saves the upright of heart.
My help comes from God,
  who saves the upright of heart.
God is a just judge,
  he is strong and his anger grows daily.
See, he has sharpened his sword once again,
  he has stretched his bow and prepared it.
He has prepared to pour out death,
  made ready his burning arrows.
See, the enemy is pregnant with wickedness,
  he has conceived torment and given birth to evil.
He has opened a pit and excavated it –
  and fallen into the pit he has dug.
His wickedness will rebound on his head;
  on his head his own evil will fall.
I will proclaim the Lord and his justice.
  I will sing psalms to his name,
  the name of the Lord, the Most High.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
How just a judge God is, how strong: he saves the upright of heart.



At the daytime hours (Terce, Sext, None) when you don’t choose to use the psalms of the day, use the complementary psalms instead.


Ps 119:1-7
Desiderium pacis

In tribulatione patientes, orationi instantes” (Rom 12, 12).

Clamávi et Dóminus exaudívit me.
1Ad Dóminum, cum tribulárer, clamávi,*
  et exaudívit me.
2Dómine, líbera ánimam meam a lábiis mendácii,*
  a lingua dolósa.
3Quid detur tibi aut quid apponátur tibi,*
  lingua dolósa?
4Sagíttæ poténtis acútæ*
  cum carbónibus iuniperórum.
5Heu mihi, quia peregrinátus sum in Mosoch,*
  habitávi ad tabernácula Cedar!
6Multum íncola fuit ánima mea*
  cum his, qui odérunt pacem.
7Ego eram pacíficus;*
  cum loquébar, illi impugnábant me.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Clamávi et Dóminus exaudívit me.

Psalm 119 (120)
Longing for peace

I called and the Lord answered me.
I was in trouble, and cried to the Lord;
  and he answered me.
Lord, free me from the lips of liars,
  from deceitful tongues.
What will be given you, what will you receive,
  deceitful tongue?
Sharp arrows from the warrior,
  hardened in the flames.
Alas, I am an exile in Meshech;
  I dwell among the tents of Kedar!
My soul has lived too long
  with those who hate peace.
I am for making peace;
  but whenever I spoke, they attacked me.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
I called and the Lord answered me.

Ps 120:1-8
Custos populi

Non esurient amplius, neque sitient amplius, neque cadet super illos sol neque ullus æstus” (Ap 7, 16).

Dóminus custódiat intróitum tuum et éxitum tuum.
1Levábo óculos meos in montes:*
  unde véniet auxílium mihi?
2Auxílium meum a Dómino,*
  qui fecit cælum et terram.
3Non dabit in commotiónem pedem tuum,*
  neque dormitábit, qui custódit te.
4Ecce non dormitábit neque dórmiet,*
  qui custódit Israel.
5Dóminus custódit te,†
  Dóminus umbráculum tuum,*
  ad manum déxteram tuam.
6Per diem sol non percútiet te,*
  neque luna per noctem.
7Dóminus custódiet te ab omni malo;*
  custódiet ánimam tuam Dóminus.
8Dóminus custódiet intróitum tuum et éxitum tuum*
  ex hoc nunc et usque in sǽculum.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Dóminus custódiat intróitum tuum et éxitum tuum.

Psalm 120 (121)
The guardian of the people

May the Lord guard your going in and coming out.
I shall lift my eyes to the hills:
  where is my help to come from?
My help will come from the Lord,
  who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip:
  he will not doze, your guardian.
Behold, he will not doze or sleep,
  the guardian of Israel.
The Lord is your guardian, the Lord is your shade;
  he is at your right hand.
By day the sun will not strike you;
  nor the moon by night.
The Lord will guard you from all harm;
  the Lord will guard your life.
The Lord will guard your coming and your going
  both now and for ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
May the Lord guard your going in and coming out.

Ps 121:1-9
Civitas sancta Ierusalem

Accessistis ad Sion montem et civitatem Dei viventis, Ierusalem cælestem” (Hebr 12, 22).

Lætátus sum in his quæ dicta sunt mihi.
1Lætátus sum in eo quod dixérunt mihi:*
  «In domum Dómini íbimus».
2Stantes iam sunt pedes nostri*
  in portis tuis, Ierúsalem.
3Ierúsalem, quæ ædificáta est ut cívitas,*
  sibi compácta in idípsum.
4Illuc enim ascendérunt tribus, tribus Dómini,*
  testimónium Israel, ad confiténdum nómini Dómini.
5Quia illic sedérunt sedes ad iudícium,*
  sedes domus David.
6Rogáte, quæ ad pacem sunt Ierúsalem:*
  «Secúri sint diligéntes te!
7Fiat pax in muris tuis,*
  et secúritas in túrribus tuis!».
8Propter fratres meos et próximos meos*
  loquar: «Pax in te!».
9Propter domum Dómini Dei nostri*
  exquíram bona tibi.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Lætátus sum in his quæ dicta sunt mihi.

Psalm 121 (122)
Jerusalem, the holy city

I rejoiced in the things which were said to me.
They filled me with joy when they said,
  “We will go to the house of the Lord.”
Now our feet are standing
  within your gates, Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, built as a city,
  whole and self-contained:
there the tribes have gone up,
  the tribes of the Lord –
the witness of Israel,
  to praise the Lord’s name.
For there are the thrones of justice,
  the thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
  “Safety for those who care for you,
peace inside your walls,
  security within your ramparts!”
For my brethren and those near to me I will say
  “Peace be upon you.”
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
  I will call blessings upon you.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
I rejoiced in the things which were said to me.



Lectio brevisRom 13:8,10
Némini quidquam debeátis, nisi ut ínvicem diligátis: qui enim díligit próximum, legem implévit. Diléctio próximo malum non operátur; plenitúdo ergo legis est diléctio.
Scripture ReadingRomans 13:8,10
Avoid getting into debt, except the debt of mutual love. If you love your fellow men you have carried out your obligations. Love is the one thing that cannot hurt your neighbour; that is why it is the answer to every one of the commandments.

℣. Adiútor meus esto, ne me reícias.
℟. Neque derelínquas me, Deus salútis meæ.
℣. You have been my help: do not abandon me.
℟. Do not forsake me, O God my help.

  Deus, Pater óptime, qui labórem homínibus ita dedísti, ut mútua semper arte ad altióra profícerent, præsta, quǽsumus, sic nos iúgiter operári, ut filiórum in te spíritu et fratérna in omnes caritáte vivámus.
  Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
Let us pray.
Father, Creator of all that is good,
  you have called men to work in your world,
  and by their cooperation to better the condition of mankind.
Grant that we may always work together as children of your family,
  and love all men as our brethren.
Through Christ our Lord.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

You can also view this page in English only.

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Copyright © 1996-2025 Universalis Publishing Limited: see www.universalis.com. Scripture readings from the Jerusalem Bible are published and copyright © 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Hodder & Stoughton and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc, and used by permission of the publishers.
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