Thursday 12 December 2024    (other days)
Thursday of the 2nd week of Advent 
 or Our Lady of Guadalupe 

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Let us adore the Lord, the King who is to come.

Year: C(I). Psalm week: 2. Liturgical Colour: Violet.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, near Mexico City, is one of the most celebrated places of pilgrimage in North America. On December 9, 1531, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to an Indian convert, Juan Diego, and left with him a picture of herself impressed upon his cloak. Devotion to Mary under this title has continually increased, and today she is the Patroness of the Americas.
  See also the article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia.

Other saints: Saint Finian of Clonard (470 - 549)

He founded Clonard Abbey in modern-day County Meath, and the Twelve Apostles of Ireland studied under him. See the article in Wikipedia.

About the author of the Second Reading in today's Office of Readings:

Second Reading: St Peter Chrysologus (380 - 450)

Peter was born and died in Imola in northern Italy. He was made bishop of Ravenna, the new capital of the Roman Empire, and was responsible for many of the building works there. The name “Chrysologus” means “golden speech”, and was given to Peter because he was such a gifted preacher; unfortunately, most of his writings have perished, and only a collection of short sermons remains.

Liturgical colour: violet

Violet is a dark colour, ‘the gloomy cast of the mortified, denoting affliction and melancholy’. Liturgically, it is the colour of Advent and Lent, the seasons of penance and preparation.

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