Buying by credit card is simple, fast and cheap. It is also secure, because we never see your card details: the site that takes the card details belongs to WorldPay, not to us, and WorldPay keep those details secret and do not pass them on to us. We are only told that a payment has been made, not what the card number is.
Nevertheless, not everyone has a credit card. Here are some alternatives.
If you are within the UK then simply send us a cheque for £19.99. Let us know your name and address (for our records) and an email address we can send the registration code to.
If you are outside the UK then you can send us a cheque too, but it has to be in sterling and drawn on a UK bank or we won't be able to accept it. If you haven't got a UK bank account then your own bank will be able to produce a sterling cheque drawn on one of their correspondent banks in the UK, but they will charge you a great deal of money for this service.
We can accept sterling bank transfers into our account. This will work from the UK and also from countries with reasonably modern banking systems. If you do it this way, please let us know that you have made a transfer so that we can check our bank statement to verify its arrival.
Please ask us for our account details.
Warning: Check what charges your bank will make for the transfer. They may be out of all proportion to the modest cost of a registration code. (And in any case, please make it clear to your bank that you should pay any charges they make).
Separate arrangements exist for Nigeria.
It is well known that sending cash through the post is completely insecure. It may be stolen en route or the recipient may steal it and claim never to have received it. Nevertheless, given the huge volume of mail that goes through the international postal system you may decide that the risk is small and that you're willing to trust us. In that case go to your nearest bureau de change and get £20 in notes and post it to us. Remember to give us your name and address and your email address so that we know who you are.
If you haven't got a suitable credit card then perhaps a friend of yours does.
The whole payment process is secure and your friend's card account is not at risk. We never get to see any card details.
If you do it like this, we'll end up with your friend's name and contact details on our database rather than yours. So please send us an email to tell us what has happened so we can change those details. This will make it easier in the future if you forget your registration code one day and ask us to look it up.
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