Universalis support

If you have the app

Help and tips

  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap in the middle of the screen to get the toolbar.
  3. Tap on the ⓘ button to get the Information menu.
  4. Tap on "Help & Tips".

Contact us

  1. Open the app.
  2. Tap in the middle of the screen to get the toolbar.
  3. Tap on the ⓘ button to get the Information menu.
  4. Tap on "Contact Us".

If your device isn't set up to send emails, “Contact Us” won't appear, and you'll have to email us yourself (from another machine) at the address shown below.

Without the app

Contact us

  1. Email us at universalis@universalis.com

Note: Apple keep all purchases confidential. We can't find out what you are using, or what you have bought or subscribed to. So please remember to tell us anything you think we need to know!

Frequently asked question

“I have bought the Universalis app. How can I use it on another device?”

iOS: Apple's rule is that once you have bought an app, you can use it on any of your iOS devices. Here are Apple's instructions.

Android, Mac, Windows, Kindle: You need a Universalis registration code. By buying the app, you have paid half of the price of a registration code. So now all you need to do is pay the other half. Here are our instructions.