
Daily email service

Our server can send you daily emails containing the Universalis Liturgy of the Hours and Mass Readings pages.

You choose the pages you want. You can either get one email per page, or a single email containing all the pages you have chosen.

To stop the emails, just reply to any of them. It doesn't matter what you say: no-one will read it! You can always start the service again whenever you want.

To use the service you need a Universalis registration code or one of the Universalis programs or apps.

Using a program or app

If you have a Universalis program or app, here are the instructions you need:

Using a registration code

If you have a Universalis registration code, simply enter it here:

Registration code:
(The registration code is 9 digits: for instance, 123-456-789. You don't need to enter the hyphens.)


If you haven't got a program or an app or a registration code, read about them here.