Saturday 27 September 2025 (other days)
Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest
on Saturday of week 25 in Ordinary Time
on Saturday of week 25 in Ordinary Time
Using calendar: England - Nottingham. You can change this.
Christ is the chief shepherd, the leader of his flock: come, let us adore him.
Year: C(I). Psalm week: 1. Liturgical Colour: White.
Mid-morning reading (Terce) | 1 Kings 8:60-61 |
May all the peoples of the earth come to know that the Lord is God indeed, and that there is no other. May your hearts be wholly with the Lord our God, following his laws and keeping his commandments as at this present day.
Noon reading (Sext) | Jeremiah 17:9-10 |
The heart is more devious than any other thing, perverse too: who can pierce its secrets? I, the Lord, search to the heart, I probe the loins, to give each man what his conduct and his actions deserve.
Afternoon reading (None) | Wisdom 7:27,8:1 |
Although she is alone, Wisdom can accomplish everything. She deploys her strength from one end of the earth to the other, ordering all things for good.
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